Surprising numbers from sociologist Gail Dines’s Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality (Beacon), a new book about the near-trillion-dollar adult film industry:
- 1. 15,000 new porn movies will be released this year.
- 2. There are 420 million internet porn pages, 4.2 million porn Websites, and 68 million search engine requests for porn daily.
- 3. Annual revenue from hotel porn rentals is more than $500 million.
- 4. Porn actresses earn $1,200 for a double penetration scene, $1,300 for multiple penetration by three men, and $1,500 for double anal. For a scene featuring one woman and one man, a white woman’s pay starts at $800 per scene, a black woman’s starts at $500 and maxes out at $800.
- 5. Among the 50 top-rented films, 88% of scenes include physical aggression against a woman, including spanking, slapping, and gagging; 48% include verbal aggression, including calling the actress “bitch” or “slut.”
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