
Monday, 12 May 2014

5 Fascinating Facts About Porn

Surprising numbers from sociologist Gail Dines’s Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality (Beacon), a new book about the near-trillion-dollar adult film industry:

  1. 1. 15,000 new porn movies will be released this year.

  2. 2. There are 420 million internet porn pages, 4.2 million porn Websites, and 68 million search engine requests for porn daily.

  3. 3. Annual revenue from hotel porn rentals is more than $500 million.

  4. 4. Porn actresses earn $1,200 for a double penetration scene, $1,300 for multiple penetration by three men, and $1,500 for double anal. For a scene featuring one woman and one man, a white woman’s pay starts at $800 per scene, a black woman’s starts at $500 and maxes out at $800.

  5. 5. Among the 50 top-rented films, 88% of scenes include physical aggression against a woman, including spanking, slapping, and gagging; 48% include verbal aggression, including calling the actress “bitch” or “slut.”

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