why Kattappa (Satyaraj) killed Baahubali, how Ballal Dev became king????

Kattappa aslo tries to stop relationship with Baahubali who sworns as a King of Mahishmathi in future keeping this caste crap aside prabhas will marry Anushka Sivagaami who does’nt like relation with a low caste girl opposes prabhas to sworn as king of Mahishmati and turns to Raana side With the poisonous words of nazar and Raana, Shivagaami becomes cruel and orders Kattappa to kill Prabhas Kattappa who is a loyal servant to the dynasty obeys the order and kills Baahubali even he is his Son in law After the death of Baahubali Raana become king of mahishmati * hearing that Anushka is giving birth to Baahubali’s child, Nazar and Raana plans to kill the child to clear their way for better future By hearing their plan shivagami refuses to do that Nazar and Raana opposes her and tell her sit silent, Knowing their bad plan in killing of Baahubali, prisoning Anushka and also killing Baahubali’s son, Sivagaami Found her guilt and tries to escape the baby * In this process Shivagaami saves the child even she is drowning Kattappa still serving the king because to protect his daughter Anushka from death All the gorella groups, Aslam khan,Kattappa and Shivudu attack on Ballaladeva Finally how the Baahubali equires is the main subject .
All Content Fromtechgames.org ......
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